Friday, March 25, 2016

The Stu Da Purr Dat Num Ummmmmm Umb I Eyes Sin IN 2 Sin IN Ink My Bah Balls Bask Dey Bak Ack Ake Ache Sooooo Qua Uaaaahhhhh Quake, Make NO Miss No Mistress No mr No Madame No Mademoiselle No Senor No Senorits No Not Non None Nake I Sooooo Sooooeeewwwwwwww Be Soon I May Mabe I Am So Abe 2 Bray brake I'm A Mistake I Am A Grand Glory Hory Tore Toren orey Miss Master Muster Bust Yours I Love Blister I Break Buster Busted Bumm Mmmmm Mmmmmmmnnnnned Busts Breasts Braods Brews Stu Stews Stores Staples Sapiens Females Yeah Dat Purse Dat Sway Way Way Staay I Plan Play I Mray Brood Breathe Broadcast My De-So-2-Sire-IN-2-You-WOMAN My Fires Mine Flesh My Flame(s).....Oooohhhhh Yay! I SaYyyyyyy!

                                  The Stu Da Purr Dat Num Ummmmmm
                                  Umb I Eyes Sin IN 2 Sin IN Ink My Bah
                                  Balls Bask Dey Bak Ack Ake Ache Sooo
                                  oo Qua Uaaaahhhhh Quake, Make NO Mi
                                  ss No Mistress No mr No Madame No Ma
                                  demoiselle No Senor No Senorits No Not
                                  Non None Nake I Sooooo Sooooeeewww
                                  wwwww Be Soon I May Mabe I Am So Ab
                                  e 2 Bray brake I'm A Mistake I Am A Gran
                                  d Glory Hory Tore Torn Orey Miss Master
                                  Muster Bust Yours I Love Blister I Break B
                                  uster Busted Bumm Mmmmm Mmmmmmm
                                  nnnnned Busts Breasts Braods Brews Stu Ste
                                 ws Stores Staples Sapiens Females Yeah Dat
                                 Purse Dat Sway Way Way Staay I Plan Play
                                 I Mray Brood Breathe Broadcast My De-So-
                                 2-Sire-IN-2-You-WOMAN My Fires Mine
                                 Flesh My Flame(s).....Oooohhhhh Yay! I Sa

                                MAN B I Eyes ALL Flesh Flash More-'N 1
                                Yes More Dan A One A Two A Three A Four
                                Nnnnnn Mmmmmm Naaahhhhhhh @ Ach
                                AhhhhhhhChoooooooooo Sam Sin Samba-S
                                Siiiiiiiiiiiii Ccccccccc See Seed Said So San
                                San I Sooooooooo Wanna Be My OWN Anta

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

No One Under Me Stands , Or Under Stands Me, Either / I Am My Own Man , I Am I So Oft / Reach Out-OW! Or No Answers No / Responds No Reacts ?

                                No One Under Me Stands, Or
                                Under Stands Me, Either, I Am
                                My Own Man I Am I So Oft
                                Reach Out - OW! Or No Ans-
                                wers No Responds No Reacts
                                No Not None , Actions A Sile-
                                nce A Siloh A Life - Death

                               Tall I Stand No Slouch Curva-
                               ture Or Spine I Still Have Mine
                               My Spine To No Other's Do I
                               Cede My Self I Will Seeds The
                               m Share No Lack Lots Lust Y
                               Yes So Oft Spewn And Lost

                               Winer Winner Weiner Ways A
                               All In Theirs Sinner Saints
                               Glossy Glitter Paints
                               Quinsns Quaints Quants!

     Le 16 Mars, 2016, Mercredi matin a 11:30 AM en voiture a Iwo Jima statue en Virginie avant de traverser la riviere Potomac a Washington D.C. aller au travail!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I'm A Romant, I Tick / I Don't Take Stock . I Tock / I Am Stoked @ Midnight, / The Full Moon Fills My Face , Lights My Stage So I Am Fright-Without

                                 I Feel All The Rage When Moon
                                 Peonies Become The Moon Flow
                                 Frame My Face No Longer Shad
                                 Owes Ouch Ooch And I Do Prow
                                 Row My Manly Dark Shadow Pr
                                 Owls Mine Eyes Sharp On Prowl
                                 Pry Prist Prim 'N So No Prance I
                                 In Shades Of Midnights Of Moon
                                 Master My Mire Most Mossy Mis
                                 Is There Magic-Still No Need 2 P
                                 Ill In So Man-Woman Pills 2 Be
                                Out To Be Smit I Eyes Mine So Sm
                                Mitts My Two Balls My Sack My
                                Jewels My Pearls My Mrs Misses
                                Misers Not To Be Selfish To Share
                                My Prize To Shelve My FoesFears
                                2 Flesh My Stage 2 Trade My Pry
                                Accept Those Limits Lather My P
                                Rinse My Rants Make Wholes Of
                                So Many Lonely Holes Heal My M
                                Itty-Bits-Bit-Bitty Blasts Of Phlegm
                               Flirt Ahhh All Alert My Chiefs Of
                               So Much Mine Howls My Growls
                               My Grins My Nightly Naughty Spins

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The loin I feel,mine, I purr, I am loosened loaned, an suspecting being lent lengthed, fed Society bread bred brood rude red no sir siree I won't be sorry!Sore yeah, not , no never not knot s

Sorry, Ivan so tired so sore cross boss bred a breed a boast a boon a bear, I am bared by mhey do on most pose I am peeved, missed purred pruned plastered in begs da negate @titiv y own self, I own my hands Rosenblatt a blah blah blatant society that cares not, that is there and yet real, cantons, not really there, a fear Tim taughtvstore bought prude prods plastics as in plastics parts of partitions marvelled yet so finally simply by us all peed at 2nd of moment!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Too Trop Mas-Mucho Todo udos ambem Temper tantrum ALL My Roar My Knock Close Peops Peoples OFF Me-Of They Cert So Ta Ta aine Must Me-Of-From-Go Way Way Way Away!

                                 pUSH Buttons I Do Too Yeah Mucho
                                 I Must So Scaredly-Make Them Of Off
                                 Me I Am Hap Sp Py Pee Please With G
                                 Glee Glad 2 I Cert Eyes Glide I Scare I
                                 Fraid Make Others Of Me 2 In-Out Any
                                Time ense erms I Timid Them They Must
                                Of Me Take Their Leave From Me Flee
                                Fly I Soooooooo Do Thus 4 Them 4 Me
                                I Cry As Friends As Real La Lats Lations
                                I Wanna Make Real Relations Them With
                                So Huh-Hold-Not-NOOOOO-Hem-Them
                                NOT NO WAY NO NOT ALL MY PURP

                               POSE I WITH THEM NAKED US-EACH
                               BY OTHER'S SIDE TO BE TOGETHER
                               TO BE REAL TO BE WARM 2 B SIN-FRE
                               EEEEEEEEE WHEEEE WE WHEELS AR
                               MMMMSSSSSSS ROUND OTHER WE M
                               UST TRUST BE TRUSTED BE SHELLS R
                                'SSSSSSSSSSS OW OUT BE RUN STAND
                              START STARS 2 C 2 PEE 2 WONDER LOU
                              dDDDDDD-@ a sTATE a Stand a Stem a Ste
                              Wander Winter Wanting Sun Satins Silks Soo
                               2 B Sheltered shorn shared off-Shelfed 2 B
                               A Spirit A Spur A Sport A Ca Cough Cohort
                               A Cacophony a Cadence A Cathart An Art A
                               In-Out Integral external circular speared spo
                               Po Por Or Or Orn Not NO Never Real No 4-
                               Lorn Jus Just So Now In Other Company-Of
                              So Simple Pop Da Pimps' Pimple B Free B Uh
                              Forn Just Born Jammin' Jaunting Out-Jailed S
                              Hair Clothes Layers Leathers Shoes Hair Shorn!

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Animal In Me / Grows Its Growl / It's Burrs In It / Burst Out Of Me .... Monday, March 14th, 2016 En Voiture Dans La Campagne De Maryland ,,,

                                 The Animal In Me
                                 Grows It's Growl
                                 It's Burrs In It
                                 Burst Out Of Me
                                 From Me!

                                Dark brings Me In
                                The Animal Say Eee
                                'Nough! Wants, Must
                                Pant, Pants-Down

                                Be Out Forth Spout
                                Constant Being A
                                Regular State As If To
                                Clean My Play Late

                               Wanting More Than All
                               Salvage Original-My
                               Savage-GREAT My
                               Grin-Growl From

                               Under Skin's Grate To B
                               To Blast To Say Sate
                               To Grant My Real
                               Human State
                               It's Proper Place I

                              So Repress All Day
                              Have To Burn To
                              Heal To Help Myself
                              To Be Yeah Real

                             True Tramp Va Va
                             I'm A Brew Brute
                             My Seed My Sod
                             My Skin My

                            Fruit My Body
                            Frame Not No
                            Not Be Lame No
                            All Me No
                            Not Always Tam

                           Pam Sam Lam Lamb
                           Lame Look Out Forth
                           Me From My Frame
                           Burst Of Animal 4
                           Forth Do Burst!

     Le 14 Mars, 2016 Lundi apres-midi en voiture dans la campagne de Maryland vers ma mere!



Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Hand Of The Clock, Strokes-Ticks Yeah Rocks, ... The Hand Of The Male Cocks-Cups His Shaft, Hugs His Sacks, Feels The Rise Of Balls-His , 4 To Feel His Pruse His Cum-Rise!


                The Clock Strokes In Ticks Out Rocks

                The Cock So Aaahhhhhsszzz His Did

                 Also Till Rise Till Still Sum Drum
                 Hum HUuuuuuuMmmmm Pun Pun

                 His Hand Her Hand The Two A Band

                 bUms ON Da Run, She Tells Asks 2 C 2

                 Cum His Hand Mmm Your Fist She Li

                SHe says She Cums Easy!!!!
                 likes 2 Feel 2 Squeal 2

                 Stupid Man He Should Have sooooootttthhhhhhh

                 Fisted Her Right There And Then Left

                 Her To Pick Up Her Pieces Yeah Mend

                  Her Happy Hearted Cun Cun Cunt He

                  gave Her Tout De Suite His Hand So.      

                  Purr Perhaps Most-Like Bigger Than

                  His Cock A Fist Will Do U U Few Fist

                  His! Fuzz Fly Da Wizzzz Da Liquids!

I Was Drink I Dran Ran Rank Nu Num Ummmmm Umbbbbbb With Con Oh Sooo Aaaahhhhh V Vvvvvvv VEC Mon Vin A Moi!

                                I Was Drink I Dran Ran Rank Nu
                               Num Ummmmm Umbbbbbb With
                               Con Oh Sooo Aaaahhhhh V Vvvv
                               vvv VEC Mon Vin A Moi!

                              Nummmmm Me My Mine I Owe
                              Own Fu Fu Fu Ful Fullll Numb So!
                              The Sor The Row In MyMineOwn
                              Selfish Like Fish Swim2tooBHerd
                              MyWord My Lims IT Ited Self I So

                              Sorrow 4 Mine Own Stay Tate Yea
                              Path So Ath @ Et AT Etic I Am In
                             Mine Sorrow I Others Theirs Too Bo
                             Borrow Yet It Was Quick I Was Cen
                             So Cents Center My Enter Mine Head

                            I Wrote ON Mine Kind My Kindle A
                            Fire A Desire A Thread To Follow To
                           So Walls Round me Erect To Me Prot
                           So Tect I Wanted To X To Press To P
                           Peeeeeeee I Did 2 Glee Full Sped IT B

                          Bot Drunk But Head-Nummm Ummm
                          I Strum My Head 4 2 Feel 4 2 Squeal I
                          The Words Subs Merged Under IN OUT
                          Mine Fluence Such Fluent Fluencies So
                         Thoughts Feelings Fresh Baked Numbed

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Drinking 4 2 get Yeah Cop Cup I Get My cup my Cope aMIs My Mine Jope

     I Am drinking my cup my Cope Ivdi so hope I eyes mine to cup to cope to see scene, da seen I B Seen On so serve my skin my run to ohhhhhhhh ohhhhhh over under on side be on my your our sigh sides, will to scene ours scope slip skin ours kin ours skinny skinny scanning scant skill in skill ow out push the bounds the dries the destabilized to get our self selvingcsakving sulking sunning some sins ours to be together sins skins Santos off-road no panties no Knicks no Knicks no knickers no knots so untie our knots to gnats to Nature to Naughts of hours of toys of hotties tats fit 4 our tints our nips our Naples, I a copiously drinking to you now forget to you in my dreams still forget,.... for to you get be got be go gone gotten I for you my eyes you all so red so ready you be by my eyes ohhhhhhhh over tough ten twenty tjirt my thrusts my be they play lay latent blatant listeninglonging burrs bursts my flips my flats you for #VinhosFinosBrasileiros all my flirts Iam so now very scary scarred @CatStevens scattered you by me us all so mused so missed so missed so he us come cum our cumming so flattered scattered like so much phlegm so much cum so much sticking-to us, to other licks of liquid squids wants what's squandering  yeah no edits no knots no missed no ministers sex all be masts with sails sales Saunders yes we drink to life to others too much, I am lit, do not put flame no blame to me, I will Si now yes if I'd log so sigh Sig it be signifies of nice of naughty ants nuts be us nags of nuts in In Out vS f;s sigh our combined sighs now as we gather garner yeah so be what the climb da max da mister master mistress misses we all in a bit of con of so we York our tresses our dresses our drinks our drinks from bots I bots I bottoms I tip scales to clues fluids flakes flashes flaunts flashes sighs sashes sinks our sins our sounds our spats our purrs our stirrups our stares stairs Stearns starts fall fly be us synthesizers apart oh yeah, I am under so in I fly I Florence I you us together to be pounced pinned sunk sinned slanted I will drink from bit from it from Ottawa port title once now ow pie pinch pun punch me once again, I need to sign sink die ow down to depths unknown to you now for to get to final yeah you forget!