Here are my thoughts in poetry about these recent events that have claimed Whitney and taken her from our world into another leaving us with her voice and songs and emotion and having to deal personally, each and every one of us with what it means to no longer have her among us. She represents so much with what she had done as well as with what she might still have done. Why do we even care? What's it to us? Why does her passing along with that of Amy Winehouse and so many others before them mean so much to us? What does it mean for me? That's something that I have been wrestling with as an artist for the last three days and I am glad that I have finally come around to this blog. Cheers and stay-tuned!
Whitney, Whitney, Whitney, you made me stop, you made me soar, you pulled me along so completely on the coattails of your voice that I simply had no choice - wanted no choice - but to tune-in even more, to rally, to gather, to follow. I'm an artist and I love working with music in the background as I paint and draw and conceive, weave, wind, walk dance around my work and my ideas and the things - emotions, people and objects within the landscapes - portrait landscapes I call them loosely - as I try and get into a groove and react and cheer and feel and produce whatever comes naturally and immediately and which I do not go back and work again. I get one shot and that's it and I could easily see listening to you as I work.
I never did listen to you Whitney when I painted and sketched or worked on my many collages. I may still : your voice lives on as does your music and I look forward to seeing and hearing more - even at this late date. It's like I believe : it's never too late. I'm an eternal optimist and I always believe in the very best in everyone and that everyone has hope and something to add to our world as you surely have. So if you are looking down on us here in our troubled and yet exciting world you may see me listening to you on my i-pod. I will download more of your music that I still not know and enjoy listening to it. I promise you that. Of that I feel certain.
As I said I'm an optimist and I have always rooted for you : ALWAYS! I was waiting for your comeback! I really was. You know, it wasn't so much the kind of comeback that continues from where anyone leaves off. That's not realistic, it really isn't. But if you believe in yourself and have another or more believe in you, too and willing to work with you in whatever trade you are in then it's possible to return and start again and add what you have at the moment to add. It will always be worth it as you are a feeling person and one that learned from the very start how to sing and to make others feel the music and the words coming from your mouth.
TODAY, that might have been ravished - it might have been a whole other voice and sound that we did / do not expect from you but that's okay as long as it's really you. I would have loved to hear you again even in a whole different style and range and sound. That would have been okay : that would have been much more than simply okay : it would have been wonderful. I / we would have cheered for you, been your cheerleaders. It would have been a great privilege to be part of your choir - your background singers, whispering in your ear, cheering-egging you on to do your very best at this particular moment in time. I know that I would have loved it. I would have felt so touched just to hear your voice - you singing all on your own, without accompaniment of any kind. What would you sing? What did you sing to yourself when you were the most down? What sound, what words soothed and comforted you? It might have been just a raspy whisper but how intense that would have been. Almost too much like being someplace too personal perhaps ... but then that's the best music and sound ever. Feeling like an intruder : guilty, welcome?!?
SO : I am a fan that is getting stronger with time and I am glad that I wrote this. I told my son this morning that I was struggling with your passing and all that it represents, mostly for those that survive, to your family of course and to your many fans as well. It is tragic that ih came to this : that we have to celebrate you the minute that you die. I am sickened that we did not rally around you before : that we were too busy and too self-centered not to have combined our thoughts and energies to find you a way to climb back!
I'm At My Wit's Yeah End My
Your Yo You Are Are Still True
You Girl Rock Rock Rock-A-By
Too Soon Bye By Us So Sad Sad
So You Sail Your Voice Say Say
You Could Still Can Move We
See You Sing Yeah Our Anth Yea
Soul Girl Embed You Imprint Us
Way So Way FULL SOUL Solid So!
Ahem Ahem Ahem Ahem Ahem
When Your Voice Hear It I Me Mine
Will Adapt Self Me My I Mine To You
Yours Sounds Feels Emotes Yours
Tiens Ustedes Vosotros Toi Si Oui
Give Bring ON ON MORE Even Si
Claro Clearly Close Round I Rally
Rouse Am Roused Musically Aroused
Your Spirits Yours Calls Me To I
Together Come DO See Feel For
Fort So Fortune Na Nah Nate Am I
Forte For You Me For Us ALL FOR!
ONE FOR All FOR You Whit You
Houst Oust Hit Me Hit Knee Hit
Us Throw Off Game Ours So Com
So Plete Lete Pletley Bleat Bleat
Sweat Sweet Wheat Blow Wind
Voice Yours Like Through Blades
Amber Amble We Wheat Sweet Sweetly
Come Completely ...
So Very Airy Sweetly 'Plete 'Plete
Your Our Wonderful Treat
Then And Now ...
You Exhaust Me In Such A Wonder
A WAY WAY Wander Full Fill Me
UP UP Away Can't You Can't I
Pray I Stay You Stay I Am Sway
Your Voice Way By Swayed ...
There's more to say but I'm throwing in my towel for the moment. Cheers and thanks Whitney. Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
I will post this now and read it over again tomorrow and edit it if need be.