Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday Morning Poems July 289h, 2008

Here are the poems I did not include in yesterday's store email because of both space and time. I write four poems each time as a minimum and sometimes more. I write Monday through Friday and often not on the weekend. These poems are about going/wanting so much to go to the beach in a week's time! I can't wait ! My mind is already there and it's hard to concentrate so I work off of lists so as not to forget what I need to do to get things in order so that I may go in peace and enjoy a week at the Outer Banks, North Carolina in peace. Go to : chatwine.blogspot to see the 2005 photos I took at the beach in August then at Salvo, North Carolina. Enjoy :

To Be To Beach I I'm Thou
To Brow To Rown Through Houghts Yes
To Be Yes Come Be Each Car Yes
Whi Whi Ite To Rol Rol Ou Ou
Brow Brow Brown Outer Lina Ina
Sun Un's Li Li Now Oui Giv
Ight To Cri Cri Ba Ba Anks I
Risp Ski Ski Kin Past Times Spen Pen
Ours Make We Be Bru Rush Col Wa Wa
Bit Bake The Here Olor Waters Colored
There Our Sake Our Pa Pa Papers Capers
Off Of Time Ours Sur Bo Bo Urf Ody
To Do To Be To Fing Sur Sur Slur
Ba Ba Ask Off Slur Lurping Lap Ap
Mask Of Up Make Apping Ha Ha Smi
To In Mo Mo Ment Smi Miling Mill
Us Ours Meant To Me Full Filling North Carolina
Relax To Max To Mize You Me Back Give
To Be Tran
Time Fun Ours Min Yes Mize So Trll Spill
Stre Stre No Now Un Yes Spell Rest
Dress Down To Ski Skin #4 le 29 Juillet, 2008 Mardi matina 10:15 AM

#3 le 29 Juillet, 2008 Mardi matin 10:08 AM.

P.S. I wrote the poems separately and yet they appear all as one the two so I will rewrite them again later so that you can see them before they were jumbled here into one. It's interesting. It will be fun to separate them soon to compare. Enjoy anyway. TONY

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Watching Our Son Swim Saturday July 12th, 2008

Here are some MORNING POEMS that I wrote after watching my son earlier swim both the back stroke and the butterfly. I enjoyed it immensely and was all fired-up afterwards. I think some of both this energy and enthusiasm fired my writing. What do you think? I typed this tonight, Sunday at 11:35 PM at home on July 13th, 2008 moments before France's Bastille Day. Happy Bastille Day to you all. Enjoy, TONY

To Stri Stri
Rive Trive
Swu Swu Wim
Win Ra Race Ra
Pla Oui Place
Watch Son
See Stro
Troke Stroke
Smooth Gra Gra
Race Full Yes
Of Grace The
Arm Arms Up
Cup Thru Air In
Dow Slide Slice Dice
Eau Water Trace

#1 le 12 Juillet, 2008 Samedi matin a 10:39 AM en Virginie.

To Be The Here
There Wat And
Atch Al Lan Alan
He Swim Did Race
I Sa Sa In Aw
Stoo Stoo Tood
And Fly Through
Wa Wa As Thick
Butter He Flew The
Stro Stro Oke Smoke
Spa Spa Arc Af After
Arc That Bu Bu
Utter Fly Cry Spla
Lash Up Arms Arc
Fe Fe Eet Do Snap
Much Mot Lyr Otion Lyric
See Did I Now Just ...

#2 le 12 Juillet, 2008 Samedi matin en Virginie a 10:45 AM.

He Flu Flu Luid
Move Oove Did
That Leap To Cup
The Up Up Up
Cupping Re Re
Each Arms Up
Stretch Arc To
Cup To Out Out
Wa Ater Leap
Faith Stro Tro
Trong- S- S- S-
The Reach To Stret
Strut Arms Strut
To Enter : Re Wa
H Yes 2- Oh-Eaux
Gain Men Ent Mom Dad
Me You Yes Watch Fly!
Sky To In ...

#3 le 12 Juillet, 2008 Samedi matin en Virginie a 10:50 AM.

Alan Watch
Did Tes Wife
Me I Watch Did
We Son Ours
Fly Up Into Faith
Heart Pump Leap
The Bo Bo Ody
Up Up Upper Did
Soar Explore
Air Said Space
Bove Over Wat
At Water To Then
Oui Si Decide
Must To Have Ent
Ent Enter 'Gain-A-A
To Tin Tin In In Inue
Race Go Must Jeu Til Si Done!

#4 le 12 Juillet, 2008 Samedi matin a 10:55 AM en Virginie on a hazy, warm morning. I mix the languages up here as you can see, sometimes adding some French and some Spanish. It's now 12:01 Monday, Bastille Day! Cheers, sante .... TONY

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Two Morning Poems, July 5th, 2008

Here are two poems written on July 5th, 2008 on Saturday morning at 9:18 A.M. on a soggy, wet, cool morn. It was drizzling. I had just been at my son's swim meet.

Saw Al Son Lan
Pool At Bout Swim
Stan Tan? No In Pan
No An Nan No
Va Dale Tan
Just Wa At Ter
Sta Sta Tain
Dra Dra Rain In
Wet Suit Bathe
Tight Skin Taut
Knot Stre Stre
Tretch T- T- Ight
So You You Not Me
You Youth Tight Just
Eyes Vis Is Isual
Right Hands Gra Rab
Mouth Wa Wa Water
Wanta Bite Nib Nib
Sque Sque Queeze
Ight -T T- Ta !!

#2 le 5 Juillet, 2008 Samedi matin en Virginie. Typed on Tuesday morn at 9:32 A.M. on July 8th, 2008 just before heading into work.

Ra Ra Rai Ain
Come On Omin
Har Ar Ard
Dow Dow Clow
Clou Clou Loud
Soft Gen En Entle
Frow Frow Rown
On Be Us Low
Spir Pir Irits
High On We Slow
Be So Ver Soak
Ery- V- V- Oaked- S
By Drop Drop Rop
Rops Ropes Many
To Rench-D-D Dr
Drench In Clothes Soak
Sog Log Us Wet Ape
Apet Tites Whetted ...

#1 le 5 Juillet, 2008 Samedi matin at 9:18 A.M. in Virginia on a soggy, wet, cool morn. Typed Tuesday morn at 9:39 A.M. chez nous on JUly 8th, 2008. There are two more of these in this edition.Cheers!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

MORNING POEMS July 1st, 2008

I'm really happy how I am de-constructing my words and phrases and expressions and connecting different languages and putting it all together again as best as I can quickly/spontaneously/trying not to forget the threads of thought that are so loosely connected that I can forget them in a split second! Here are some recent " new " poems from July 1st, 2008. Enjoy, TONY

To Imp To Ply
Ever Close
Lose Close Ness
For Yes Ever?
To Want To Be By
To Hold To Grip
To Fit To Fix To
Gather Gether
Weather Want
All To Want Have
Per Erson Other
Side By Ours
Ever By Ours
Ever For? Lot
Who Who Hole
Lot Otta Ba Ba
Ag Agh Aggage To
With All Deal?
Pos Pos Ossible
Yes? Not? Ever?

#5 le 1er Juillet, 2008 Great morn!

Dat Sez Smile
You They At Do
And You Tra Tra
Ra Ra Attract Are
Them To Pull Ulled
It Smile Warm
Be Like Bee Follow
Lower To You
It Draw Be Swore
Wore Warmed-Sw
Swa Into It
Dat Per That Son's
Smile Pulled
Pealed Pluck Luck?
Lucked Loot Ooted?
Lost Found Saved Or
Delight Joy De: Pray Play
Praved Slaved Slice Dice Dash
Ashed By Passed?!

#6 le 1er Juillet, 2008 Mardi matin on a beautiful day! Typed Sunday night( 11:30 P.M.) chez nous on July 6th, 2006 just before going to bed. Good Night to one and to all. Bonsoir. TONY