Tuesday, February 18, 2025

I am a child still very much actively absorbing alive in high maintenance having trouble at times myself maintain my grounding growing grunting grudging straining paining joying fleeing newly found each second footing grip and foundation

I love how i an comprlled PROpelled not lapelled so OWNing my own darn mine BODY smell fresh out of MY is hell pell mell yes TODAY even more a hard sell AS i do not believe in snh SORT i wanna be a great good SPORT hard sell no no no no PLAYing the GAME is not my PATH be damned if I will br DOOMED to failure nooo WAY! HERE to stay 2 FULLy play! I AM a child of shiny skinned YOU will not guess -green FROGS leaping to stay!

Friday, February 14, 2025

There is a sickness of being

There is a sickness of being

That  cultivates us unbeknownst 

So that unknowing we innocent 

Cultivate back and that we come

Stupidly sadly wrongly embrace

With each deliberate scene

Ones that our beings create

As if in our waking dreams

We cannot get enough so

Drowning out our contacts

With real life unimagined

Also uninterrupted yes and

Told by media to us so very

Boring Quick adopt a person

Another’s persona so you

Will neither be singled out of

Stand out and examined com-

Mented demented furiously up-


Around ! Till you barely exist

So that there is barely of you 

Yes you - any trace ! They and 

You have sadly worked to erase!

Without any good notion of grace!

And yet we did it to ourselves in

Part so we would not ever be

Responsible to answer ever for

Anything that we might do on

Our part as that idea be so scary!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Snowing so peacefully NOW in PEACE we piece TOgetHerHimUSAllOfWE!

Loving this envelopment

Possible peaceful enduring

Us alluring resultyesmeant!

 Snow is peace soooo spend

Splendid calm in warmth 

Not harm so reason to be

Living in such alarm harm

Darn I love this snow now

It is my healing lucky charm

Livin’ on the farm sings the

Jefferson Airplane that Marty

Smarty wise Grace Jorma too

Plays they are our volunteers 

Of peace of patience of such

Gentle fiery firm working grace

Leading us all away from disgrace

That police use of crowns mace 

This snow is our peaceful awakening 

Alarm to arms and legs hand and

Feet ready to meet our calling

Now more than ever perhaps

In our life love like peace safe 

Productive not destructive powers.

I’m a delicate flower

 That is so strong indeed

So sweet as no smell

Can imagined but not

Be obvious to most that

Unaware will be lured

By surface to clap and

Stare when no flight

No stair no step is4

Then there, so vital

So firm the storms 

Sudden with notice 

None until that force

Of wind the burn of

Fire removes our homes

Our havens of dysfunction 

Those oasis’s by others by

To Us all be spoon.fed 

So many meds once not

Present but for greed for

Power that money-addict-

Addict in our weak frames 

Our vanities dumbnesses 

Our human frailnesses so

Preyed upon by so few to

Shackle spackle and to most

The world at large present

Once again images of peace

Where there there never was

Never ever will be until the

Lust if money no longer be

Addictions inflictions to all

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Early drawings ( 9/6-7/1989’)!of mine from a long time ago I believe in the mid to late eighties!


Early drawings  ( 9/6-7/ 1989’)I made and meant to share awhile ago. Sharing now 2/5/2025

Well there’s no love between us

 I had it coming 

She had it coming

We had it coming

There was once a

Platonic love and

Then it got you know


I pressed myself

That I my wishes my

Wants my fantasy 

Fuck the novels 

I write my own so

One-sided my doom

My failing my down 

Down fall to even 

Have in my head 

Written any at all!

A big disservice I

So fucked  it up!

More for myself than

Her, but effects 

Affects us all! Don’t we know


Some more than others’

Tant pis!

I don’t like anything about you right now


I don’t like anything about you right now 

I am just sick of it all and perhaps so

Wrong and yet I feel intense dislike

Like I do not understand you at all

And yet I know I project myself so

Wrongly at you with no rights at all!

It is I in the wrong as you have never

Once let me on though I yearn burn

Bake quake quiver shiver to be led

Fed by you and so I spank my flank 

And again correct myself to just

Move on close this mind game

Chapter of mine, toss it in the bin

Burn it be done with it love myself

You know I know no foul no shame 

And yet for my thoughts and actions

I am riddled racked with disgust at

Myself! And yet I like nothing at

This very moment about you at all!

Dastardly male i am in all My gall!